Let’s Gather for Sunday Buffet

Savor a scrumptious Sunday buffet at Gather@19, featuring a wide selection of mouthwatering dishes perfect for the whole family.

Waarvoor is jy Geroep

Sluit aan vir 'n verhelderende en transformerende ervaring by ons geestelike konferensie aangebied deur Carin Myburgh vanaf Trinity Truth Foundation.

Lewe ‘n Lewe in Volkleur

Ontdek jou unieke temperament en leer hoe om ander beter te verstaan met die Vierkleurtemperamentmodel. Lynette Beer lei jou deur 'n insigryke en inspirerende ervaring wat jou persoonlike en professionele lewe kan transformeer.

Wyn en Liggies Fees

Kom geniet 'n aand van plaaslike wyn, goeie geselskap en 'n gesellige atmosfeer. Proe verskeie wyne en ontspan in ’n volwasse, rustieke ruimte.

Mother’s Day Buffet

Spoil Mom this Mother’s Day with a delightful buffet at Gather@19. A day filled with love, laughter, and delicious flavours awaits!

In Him Ladies Event

Join us for an intimate and inspiring morning at the In Him Ladies Event, presented by Mev. Noag (Liezel Ferreira Motto-Ros). This special gathering is designed for women seeking to deepen their faith and embrace the fullness of being complete in Christ.

In Him Family Event

Gather your loved ones and join us for the In Him Family Event with Mev. Noag (Liezel Ferreira Motto-Ros). This uplifting gathering is open to all, creating a space for families to grow in faith together.

Father’s Day Buffet

Enjoy a hearty, flavourful meal in a warm and welcoming setting—because Dad deserves nothing but the best! Join us at Gather@19 for a special Father’s Day Buffet, celebrating the incredible dads and father figures in our lives.